
AFAR Magazine

The new magazine and online travel resource, AFAR, contains more of what I want to see in travel media. AFAR focuses on "experiential" travel and challenges its readers to go beyond pre-packaged consumerist jaunts in favor of genuine, authentic, and even unexpected trips. AFAR's mission:

"Our mission is to inspire and guide those who travel the world seeking to connect with its people, experience their culture, and understand their perspectives."

I especially like how AFAR was born:

"Greg Sullivan is a globe-trotting serial entrepreneur. Joe Diaz is a former teacher who grew up in a bi-cultural family, with one foot in Spain and the other in California. These seasoned travelers hatched the idea for AFAR Media over a beer on a beach in Goa, India."

My kind of guys. Support this venture by visiting their website and signing up for a FREE issue of the magazine.



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