
A Sad Day for Travel Lovers and Moose Everywhere

The Discovery Channel is giving Sarah Palin her own cleverly titled travel show called, "Sarah Palin's Alaska." Bummer.



Hop Off of the Career Track and Travel

I'm inspired by this article I found called, "Why It’s Not Crazy for Working Professionals to Quit Their Jobs and Travel the World." We are persuaded to believe that our lives should play out like this:

1.Graduate high school

2.Go to college

3.Start your career

4.Get married

5.Buy a house

6.Have children

7.Watch them grow up

8.Send them off to college, then to start their careers

9.Become a grandparent

10.Retire, travel, and enjoy life
It's an assembly line mentality applied to human life. This article clears up the old-fashioned misconception that you can't move step 10 up a bit on the 'ol required adult life duties list. And who knows, if you go ahead and go for it, maybe you can just ditch the traditional adult life checklist all together and do your own thing.
Read it now, here.



Travel Like a Journalist

Insightful and comical article from the Economist. An excerpt:

"You can manage for a week out of a laptop bag, so long as you fold your shirts neatly. It is good to have one with three compartments as it is embarrassing if you have to rummage for a pen and notebook at a meeting and find your dirty laundry emerging from the bag. The bag itself should ideally cost nothing—the kind given out at conferences are ideal, especially the World Economic Forum ones.

Reading material: a photocopy of a good poem, preferably in Russian or some other foreign language that you have to think hard about, folded in the wallet just in case you are stuck with no electronic or other diversion."

Full article here.




Mustaches 'Round the World

I saw this comprehensive photo gallery of global mustache awesomeness over at WEND's website and just had to share. Be sure to check out Maldives!