We visited Ireland for the second time this past May. Our first visit was centered around Dublin only, which was a grand time, but left us wanting more. So this year, we rented a car and saw the country right. My wife Molly captured some amazing pictures during our driving tour but sadly lost her very nice, very new, kind of expensive camera during the last 48 hours of our trip. With the camera went many of the best photos she captured. That's why I was glad to find Dan Balosanu's blog, indepth panoramics. Dan uses beautiful panoramic shots to display the scenic coastlines, misty mornings, and living history of Ireland. These pictures take me back to some of the most beautiful landscapes I've ever seen.
Check out Dan's blog here.
Dan Balosanu's Ireland
Rick Steves Is Pretty Sweet
My wife got me in to Rick Steves a few years ago. Her adoration, (and insistance in stopping on public television every time he was on) eventually led to my love of the man too. Our travel has been enriched by his TV show, comprehensive guidebooks, and amazing step-by-step audio tour podcasts. If you live in or around Edmonds, Washington you can even attend Rick's free weekly travel classes.
Get to know Rick Steves.
The Wanderlusters
Inspiration to do something new and exciting is everywhere. Just in case you haven't come across any good inspiration in a while, check out what these two fine folks did.
"We're spending the year on a spiritual quest, a re-prioritization of life priorities, and really digging into what it looks like to invest in a marriage."
And they're doing this road trip style...in a camper.
Posted by Jonathan Dickerson at 14:23
0 comments Labels: camper, road trip, the wanderlusters, travel
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Twittering While Traveling
For the record, I am not a Tweeter, or Twitterer, or whatever the politically correct phrasing is these days. I will however admit to random voyeur sessions of reading people's tweets. Thanks to worldhum, interesting travel tweets are now easier to find. Each month they compile a list of the eight best Twitter posts from travelers all over the world. Check out the current list here.
My favorite...
"Say what you will about swine flu & drug gangs—you have to love a country where pork tacos are for breakfast."
Posted by Jonathan Dickerson at 09:56
0 comments Labels: travel, Twitter, worldhum
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